Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It all makes sense!

This video helps explain why Europe does not have the obesity problems we have here in the U.S. I suppose it also helps that they don't eat fast food . . .

Riding to work is one of the easiest way to improve your health and save money (and help the environment!). Men's Health has an easy read about the benefits of riding bikes to work. I usually take the long way to work, making my morning ride 7.3 miles instead of the 2.5 miles it could take me on the shorter route. I do take the shorter route home, but that makes 10 miles or about 35 minutes or so of exercise every work day. It wakes me up and makes me more productive in the morning.

I am glad Ray LaHood, the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, said we will begin to invest in walking and bicycling infrastructure with the same priority we give automobiles. Hopefully, this improved infrastructure will motivate people to ditch the car. If we build it, they will come . . .

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